Meet the Animals + Something Special for YOU

As I mentioned in my post about all of this year’s changes, we went from living on a small rental in Los Angeles to a 5-acre property in Tennessee. By far, the most FUN part of this entire process of change has been adopting and raising farm animals. I will leave the birds for my next post (although to my great surprise, the birds give us more entertainment than even our house pets).

We started with 5 wool sheep, and then, for my birthday, added a pair of Nigerian dwarf goats. I will not write too much in this post, as I am sure you’ll find the photos much more entertaining. The important things to know are that the sheep are a Bluefaced Leicester/Shetland/Cotswold mix, which my spinning friends tell me is going to make some lovely yarn, and were about 6 months old when we got them and are now, as of this writing, nearing their first birthday. Sheep are not easy, and if anyone is interested, I can do another post about all the things we have learned so far about raising them, but I really do enjoy our new life. Despite the hard, and often dirty work, going out to the barn to take care of the animals is one of my favorite parts of the day.

5 lambs having a little snack after arriving at their forever home
Front row, right to left: Freckles, Roman, and Nona. In the back – a little black sheep named Molly and Mr. Percy, a proper English gentleman …when he’s not begging for grain that is.
It took us awhile to get paddocks set up and to learn how to herd the sheep where they need to go. At first, there were days we had to pick them up and carry them – just a little morning workout.
The horned ones… I always thought it was just rams who have horns, but ewes can have them too. Molly and Mr. Percy just wouldn’t look the same without them!
If one takes off running, most likely they will all follow. Sheep love to be together. A sheep thing that is sometimes annoying, and other times, super helpful! 🙂
Enjoying the summer pastures. Truly a sheep’s happy place.
After shearing. Yes, we did it ourselves, and yes, it is SO HARD! My husband and I were quite proud of ourselves when we finished Mr. Percy and Roman.

And the goats… what can I say except that they are as people-loving, cuddly and fun as they look!

Happy birthday to me! Graham really does love cuddles and being held.
Leia loves cuddles too, and if I’m sitting down, will jump right into my lap.
One day when we were out and about, we left them to roam in the yard. When I came inside a few minutes to cool off, look who showed up at the front door!
My baby nephew thinks the goats are pretty funny too.
Leia is our female – and she’ll be a good mama some day. She doesn’t tolerate nonsense.
Graham: the sweetest, most lovable little goat I’ve ever met! He does try to eat my clothes however…
It’s true: goats really do love a nibble of just about everything!

This has all been a huge learning process for us. We did lots of reading and research before buying our animals so that we’d know how to keep them healthy and happy. It has been so fun and rewarding, but I always feel like I have so much left to learn. Next up is learning to process wool and spin it. I hope you enjoyed meeting our ruminants, and I will do another post soon about our birds.

I can’t yet sell any of my own fiber, but if you’re in holiday shopping mode, I do have a little treat for you. gave me a discount code for my blog readers: Use EKB2019 to get 15% off orders over $10 (excluding PDF patterns, sale items & value packs). One use per customer, valid until December 31, 2019.

(And if anyone is wondering, I don’t make commissions from any sales, this is just a treat they are letting me offer you!) Please enjoy – their site has goodies for knitters, crocheters, quilters, and cross stitch and embroidery.

Wrapping Up a Decade (aka Where Have I Been?!)

Greetings to you all, and here’s hoping that you’re still here and didn’t give up on me! 🙂 I will try to make up for my VERY long absence with the story of my very eventful year. I did not intend to let 8+ months go by without posting, and in fact, when I did last post, I hadn’t a clue yet as to all the craziness this year would bring. If you follow me on Instagram, then you already have a number of clues as to all the change in my life, but even so, you may still find the full story entertaining.

The long and short of it is that we moved from Los Angeles to a 5-acre property in Tennessee. I haven’t had such a crazy year since 11 years ago when we moved to CA from Ohio (and that was a story too, but we’ll save it for another time). As those of you who have been reading my blog for awhile know, I am a CA girl at heart. Nothing speaks to my soul like the ocean… except for yarn of course! You can imagine the emotions and difficulty of making such a life-changing, drastic decision!

If you’re wondering why, you’re in good company. I think many of our family and friends found it surprising since we were there for so long, and happily so. But simply put, CA changed quite a bit in the time we were there, and still is changing. Unfortunately, the changes are not for the better. The biggest problem is the insane real estate, which in turn causes the quality of living to go down. An example is the house we were renting for 10 years, which was listed on Zillow for $400k when we moved in, and barely a decade later, is now up to $800k. Our landlord did not make improvements during those 10 years other than to deal with emergencies. But aside from painting the walls and getting rid of the carpet that was there before we even moved in, to my knowledge, she was not planning on doing much else before putting it back on the market for $1000 more per month than what we were paying. (To be fair, I want to say that I am NOT insulting my landlord, as she was actually a very good one! This is just the sad reality of LA real estate.)

On a personal note, we also found it increasingly difficult to be across the country from our families. Flying is expensive, stressful and just plain inconvenient! My sisters and I planned a surprise birthday party for my mom’s 70th birthday in January (feel free to wish her a happy birthday even in August). 🙂 Due to cancelled flights and delays, even with an extra day between when we left Burbank and her party, we barely made it. When we originally moved to CA, we had planned to come back east once a year to see our families, but because of conflicting schedules and the large expense, this often did not happen.

There are also the issues that have made the news about conditions in LA, such as typhus in the LA courthouse. Whenever my husband and I discussed long-term future plans, we could never quite see ourselves staying in LA forever. It was becoming increasingly apparent that our time there was played out, and that there were so many things we wanted to do that just can’t be done in the cramped big city. As much as we absolutely loved living there, we realized we are happiest being surrounded by nature and practicing mindful living. We came to the conclusion that we would have a better future elsewhere.

Which brings us to Tennessee. I’m not sure how most people think of Tennessee, but my sister has lived here for a long time, so to me, it is a place of family and beautiful forests and mountains. We didn’t want to move anywhere too far north because we are definitely NOT cold-weather people, but we wanted to live somewhere within driving distance of our families. We also wanted to buy a house with a significant amount of land because we knew part of our desired change was to have animals and to grow some of our own food.

And so began our search for the right property. We came as a family in February to view houses, and we did indeed find our dream house. It was the right price, and everything we thought we wanted. But having done cross-country moves a number of times in my life now, I am here to tell you that no matter how smooth things seem to be going, moving is a beast and will never go according to plan, no matter how well you try to prepare yourself. In our case, because of timing, we chose to do a 60 day close, and set about packing and preparing for the big moving day. The mortgage people and our real estate agent periodically checked in with us to let us know we were moving ahead and all was well. Paperwork was being signed, and our anticipation of closing day was increasing with every week.

But 3 weeks before closing, as we were Konmari-ing our house for the 100th time, our realtor called us with the worst news you can ever hear when you’re buying a house: we might lose it. The current owners had committed fraud, and had a $50,000 lien on the house, which they had failed to mention on any of the paperwork. And so for two nerve-wracking weeks, we checked in with our agent daily to see if they had found a way to clear the title of the house. And for those two weeks, there was almost no communication from the seller’s agent and we had no idea if we should keep packing or how to formulate a backup plan.

If WE broke contract, the sellers would keep the earnest money we had put toward the house, which felt grossly unfair, given that they were the criminals, and we had done nothing wrong. But if we didn’t somehow get out of the contract, then we would lose more money waiting around and paying for the flight and hotel to show up at closing. Ultimately, the two real estate agents managed to convince them to sign documents of mutual cancellation. We lost the $1000 we had spent on home inspections, radon tests, etc., and our right to sue them in the future, but we were free to go find another house and we were entitled to get our earnest money back.

I won’t bore you with all the details of how we found another house, but the important part of this story is that everything turned out better in the end. Sometimes there is more than one dream house for you my friends, and the second one is even better! The first house was a beautiful brick home and had everything we could have wanted in the house itself. But to live the life we were envisioning, we would have had to buy fencing for the entire property, build a barn, and plant trees. The thought of building it all from just grass into what we wanted was appealing in a way. But when it fell through and we came across the property that is now our home, we realized what a huge value it is to already have what we need. Trees take many years to grow, and our current property is full of them. There is a barn just the right size, a separate work cabin, and pastures that are already fenced and gated. And in addition to all those benefits, the interest rates went down by a few points during the time all of the issues I described were happening. In the end, I am very grateful things worked out the way they did because we got much more for the money, and the property we ended up buying was ready to go for our new life.

And what is our new life? My Instagram followers already have a pretty good idea, but for those of you who haven’t seen my posts, the fact that we need a barn may have clued you in. 🙂 We bought five lambs less than a month after our closing, and so as you might imagine, our life in Tennessee is quite different from what it was in LA. (In fact, I’ve taken to calling myself a shepherdess because that’s what I am, and it does sound nice, doesn’t it?!) Some days, given where we were living and where we are now, it is still hard to believe our new life, but on the other hand, given our long-standing love for animals, it’s not so surprising.

You all should know enough about me by now to know that YES, they are wool sheep! (Would a knitter/crocheter want any other kind??) But the details are that they are a mix of Bluefaced leicester, Shetland and Cotswold. We have three ewes and two rams, and in a future post, I’ll introduce you to them by name, with photos. They are all siblings, so the rams are wethered, but I do hope at some point to breed the ewes because who wouldn’t want to have baby lambs running around? In addition to the sheep, we are raising 5 chicks – each a different breed. We also hatched Guinea fowl, and the day we saw them come out of the eggs was one of the most fun days of the summer.

As you might imagine, there is so much I am not including in this post, such as our weeklong drive from Los Angeles to Nashville, with our rescue cats and dog in tow. We drove through five states I had never seen, and every day was new scenery. Moving has so many moving parts, and timing is everything! By the time the truck arrived to load our stuff, and we drove those 2,000+ miles, and made it through closing day, it felt as though we’d had to align every grain of sand on the beach into the proper order just to be able to call this house ours. And as much as I miss being able to take my kids to the beach every week during the summer, I’m excited about our future here.

Over the course of this summer, I have already had visits from both of my sisters and met my 2 1/2 year-old nephew for the first time. My husband was able to drive to see his entire family. I drove to Columbus with my kids to celebrate a dear friend’s 80th birthday on a June Saturday, and his wedding the very next day. I not only learned what predator-proof fencing is, I learned to put it up. (And those of you who already raise animals and don’t even think about these things – it’s OK, you may laugh!) Soon our sheep will need to be sheared, and then the wool will need to be processed before it can be spun, so I still have much learning left to do.

I am still designing patterns, and I have a few almost ready for release. I am also still working on my book of slip-stitch patterns which was started over 3 years ago. I am seeing the technique more and more, but I remember fellow knitters in LA seeing me working on these patterns and remarking how they hadn’t seen the stitches I was doing, so that tells you how long these designs have been in the works! If I’m being honest, pattern writing is extremely difficult, and I just couldn’t concentrate on it this year. I very carefully packed my WIP’s and notes, and brought them with me on our journey because I wasn’t taking any chances on the movers losing them. I hope you will enjoy seeing new work from me, and that you won’t mind too terribly if this blog changes a bit to include posts about my hands-on education in sheep-tending and fiber processing.

I hope you all are having a good year, regardless of whether it includes major life change or is life as usual. Thanks for reading my story – I know this post is quite long. Photos of sheep and other treats coming your way soon! And if anyone is in the house-hunting process, please don’t let my story scare you. Our realtor told us that in his decades of experience with house closings, this is the first time he had ever seen this happen. I wouldn’t want to deal with it again, but it really did turn out for the best, and I wouldn’t trade where we are now!

Design Seeds

A truly inspirational site that I am currently using for a few projects. This graphic designer found a great way to play with color and photography. There was not one page on this site that I didn’t find helpful and inspirational. Many thanks to her for providing an ongoing supply of beautiful color palettes!