Creation In Isolation

How things will be looking. Creation in isolation!

The last time I posted, I was getting ready for the busy holiday season and Corona Virus was nowhere on anyone’s radar. We had our first Tennessee Christmas and rang in a new decade in our new home. I really thought last year was pretty crazy, and now already, the first quarter of this year is making last year look like a stroll through a park! Deadly tornados came through at the start of this month, and even now, the city is still cleaning up in the midst of the latest crisis. Tennessee is now in quarantine, as I know many (or all?) of you are.

We are seeing two sides of humanity right now. The ugly side is certainly making headlines – people hoarding food, toilet paper and sanitizer with no concern for who else might need it, others who blatantly ignore the medical community’s desperate requests for people to stay at home to avoid spreading the virus, and of course, an increase in the black market with those trying to capitalize on the emergency. But then there is the other side, which unfortunately doesn’t make headlines as often, but is truly good to see. People who shop for those who can’t, share supplies with those in need, and actively look for ways to contribute and help their fellow humans.

I have been watching for ways to be part of that second group. I truly believe it is important to do what we can to give and uplift, and sometimes the smallest ways are the most meaningful. I know we are all realizing how much we take for granted during our “normal lives”, even if we are already practicing a mindset of gratitude.

So all that said, before I share a little list and a gift for you all at the end, I first want to wish everyone good health. I hope this quarantine will spare us from the virus, and that wherever you are, you are safe and able to get what you need to survive.

This month, we have volunteered as a family as part of a tornado cleanup crew and also with our church at a local food pantry. But I still believe the lighter things of life are important too. For sure, we need beauty, creativity and something to do with our hands. I can’t provide you all with food and toilet paper, but here’s a list of things I’m finding inspiring and helpful right now, and I hope it will benefit you too!

  1. My studio is literally the LAST room to get unpacked and organized. No time like now to finally get it in order! When it comes to organizing yarn stash, this podcast episode was the most helpful thing I found. Actually, her podcast has lots of great stuff, so by all means, don’t stop with just one episode! πŸ˜‰
  2. Lots of great KAL’s going on right now, but Jill Wolcott’s Finishing Challenge seems the most thorough and well-planned. Definitely want to participate in this. I met her at one of my first TNNAs, and she is a wealth of great personality, style, and knowledge!
  3. Don’t have sanitizer at home? Neither do I! And you really don’t need to worry about it!
  4. For all around general good advice on keeping a positive mindset, as well as how to manage fear during crisis, I can’t recommend Mel Robbins enough. She just did an excellent video yesterday about finances and preparing yourself during uncertain times, but she has lots of other great content as well, all based on science and research. I’m generally a positive person, but I’ve learned alot from her.
  5. And if you just want a super awesome new project to start working on, this one is pretty cool. Pattern is free, although if you want to support the designer, you can go on Ravelry and buy it cheap and she’ll send you a PDF. Let me know if you want to do this as a KAL, because I am definitely going to be casting on once I finish up a few things!

And finally friends, I would like to make my own contribution. You are welcome to any of my patterns for free between now and April 1 with the code “creationinisolation“. Here is the link:

It is important to not panic, to stay busy, and to keep doing things that make us happy. I encourage you to use this code as many times as you want for as many of my patterns as you want. Just only put one pattern at a time into your cart, as I could not find a way to make it work for more than one at a time.

Stay strong, stay healthy, and keep making!

7 thoughts on “Creation In Isolation

  1. Thank you so much! This is very generous of you πŸ™‚ We’re on week three of stay at home orders in the Bay Area and doing okay! Thank goodness for my propensity of buying toilet paper on sale πŸ™‚ I think something that’s going to become increasingly more important to me is to spend less time online reading news, and more time on crafting. I’ve become obsessed with the news cycle and it’s affecting my life negatively. I’m glad to hear you’re doing well too!


    1. Oh wow, I didn’t realize it was Week 3 for some areas! I’m glad to hear you’re OK, and even have TP! πŸ™‚ I agree that it is important to manage our consumption of news and social media. I really try to leave it all off except to check for updates on how long the quarantine will go, what’s open (or not), etc. because it affects me negatively too. But I think China is finally done with it, so we just have to hang on, and we will be too! After this worldwide quarantine, we need a worldwide party when we can all come out of hiding. πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  2. So glad to hear you are doing well! We have been busy helping my brother in law who is home bound with a broken knee cap (he fell on the ice a month ago) Soooo I do venture out to get him groceries and bring him freezer meals.
    I would love to be crafting but have been busy. Our church is now sewing face masks for the local hospitals to use during the time of their shortages. I guess that is kind of like crafting.


  3. So sorry about your BIL! A broken kneecap sounds so painful! That is really great that your church is contributing facemasks. I hope you and yours are able to stay safe and well. It is a scary time, but we will all get through it, and I hope we can all keep helping to take care of each other because I think that is the BEST way to get through anything hard.


  4. Pingback: Challenge Accepted… AND Completed – ELIZABETH KAY BOOTH

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